martedì 15 gennaio 2013


As Elis said in her blog, this weekend was GENIOUS!!!

To start with, my beloved sister from Estonia (yeah as you all know there aren't many people in my country) who actually is in Torino came to visit me on Saturday.
As usual, we went on a mandatory tour in Padova- piazzas, pizza @Tito Livio, Prato della Valle, San Antonio and once again there was a missa (How much I just love it and how much I'm going to miss this feeling when someone is singing in a church... mmm.. :)) But as in the evening there was finally Patrick' birthday party, I drug Elis with me.. Haha, I guess she didn't regret it because as always, the group AWESOME got a little bit crazy...

Birthday present: 4 tips to get a girl - Patrick style..

We started normally, drinking games and stuff.. 

But in the end we were dancing Oppa gangnam style, listening to estonian music (TIIGRIKUTSU!!!)
 and raping Patrick's facebook:

And suddenly, when me and Elis were already halfway to the door, the police stepped in. OH GOD WHY!!?? Everytime there is a bigger party at Patrick's place, then it comes.Why don't the neighbours knock on the door and ask us to be quiet? No, why should they. It's easy to call the police. We had to hand in our ID-s and tell where do we stay in Padova and then we could go. As me and Elis were the first, we could have gone but the others stayed and as I've heard later, Asia told that she is from Africa and she doesn't have an ID. Hehehehehehe..  But yeah, I'm a criminal now. In Italy. Hope that it doesn't happen again...

Next morning it was quite hard to wake up but as I had promised to go to Verona with Elis and Thorina was also into going, I just had to pull myself together and play a tourist again. Actually it went pretty well because there was a market on the Arena square with people wearing national clothes and having ceremonies.

As the last time when I visited Verona with Estelle we didn't go inside the Arena (it was pouring and we didn't feel like going) but now it was the perfect timing.. So welcome to the Arena which was built 30 AD and still looks like brand new... That's why there has performed artists like Muse, Pink Floyd, The Who etc.. At ancient times  it could have host 30000 people but in my opinion it's still huge!

After we had been cursing the f'*****g stairs for a while (yes and my lovely knee hurts again) we left to see Casa di Giulietta. And I would really appreciate if someone would tell me, is it a legend or not?

What if Juliet has had a gay friend.....

And actually every step we took in Verona reminded me of the movie "Letters to Juliet"

Then we had to see of course Castelvecchio and to eat something (PIZZA!) and so we went...

And then there was again a sad good-bye with Elis, maybe I see her again in Estonia in summer but I'd like to see her before! :) Me and Thorina headed back to Padova when it was raining and of course I had to wait the bus for 40 minutes and I was freezing to death.. But it's nice to have the trips around Padova especially when you know that these cities are famous for its history and at least I've studied something about them at the school. I'm living in history. Come here! :)

PS. My little darling Anete is now 9 years old. She got a white guitar for her birthday so I suppose that soon you'll hear about the blond duo. I love you :*

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