martedì 26 febbraio 2013

Senza parole...

24th of February. Independence day.

Küüslauguleivad, kilu tomatis munaga, kartulisalat, kissell, kaeraküpsised. Viru õlu. Viin.
People from Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Catalonia, Hungary... :*

25th of February. Goodbye.

My Kinga dear...

26th of February. Val di Fiemme.

After Therese's win. I've never seen so many norwegians.. Magnus would love it here.

Where I met German journalist who bought me glühwein and told that I'm cute when I speak german. 

I have alter-ego. Kristina Šmigun.. 

Stay tuned:
27. veebruar
meeste 15 km (v)                     14.00-15.30 ETV (14.05-15.35 Vikerraadios)

28. veebruar
kahevõistlus, suusahüpped suur mägi  10.50-12.00 ETV
naiste teatesõit 4x5 km              13.35-15.10 ETV
kahevõistlus, 10 km                  16.20-17.10 ETV (16.30-17.00 Vikerraadios)
suusahüpped, suur mägi               17.50-18.30 ETV,18.30-19.45 ETV2

domenica 24 febbraio 2013

EV 95

Eesti keelt, meelt ja meest!

Esimest korda viibin sellel päeval välismaal. Natuke imelik on. Sest mulle meeldib vaadata paraadi ning õhtul ka pingviine (ehk siis pidulikku vastuvõttu), süüa normaalset toitu, mis ei koosne ainult süsivesikutest, ning võtta ka kõrvale vahel väike pits viina (ihhii). Mis on eestlasele nii tavaline. Aga siin juhtun ma tihtipeale sattuma olukorda, kus keegi ei tea, mis või kes on Eesti.

Näide 1.
Kuskil kuu aega tagasi läksin postkontorisse marke ostma. Kogu järgnev vestlus käis itaalia keeles.
"Tere, palun 3 marki Eestisse." - "Kuhu?"
"Eestisse, Euroopasse"- "Eesti ei ole Euroopas!"
"On küll, ma olen eestlane." - "Ei ole, Eesti on kolmanda tsooni riik, mark on 2,50", näitab mulle siis mingit tsoonide nimistut,  kolmas tsoon on Aafrika.
"Ee.." võtsin välja oma ID-kaardi, näitasin, et olen isegi Euroopa liidus ja tahan oma 0,85 senti maksvaid marke saada. Onu andis tusatsedes margid, pomisedes: "Ega siis mina ei pea kaarti teadma."

Jah, aga miks mina tean. Ühel päeval selgitas mulle mu tandemipartner Mattia, et itaallased ei tee vahet Euroopa Liidul ja Euroopal. Näiteks küsis temagi mult, kas Eesti, Soome ja Rootsi on Euroopas. Mina seevastu, et geograafiliselt on kõik kuni Uurali mäeni Euroopa. Päriselt!? Jah, aga Euroopa Liidus on jällegi 28 riiki ning jah, need on Euroopa riigid, aga neil on omad tingimused, teadsin mina rääkida.
Sellevastu kostis Mattia, et itaallastele ükstapuha, nemad olid liidu alguse juures ning pole ju sellel kõigel vahet.
Ma ei viitsinud temaga vaidlema hakata, lihtsalt ütlesin kurjalt, et Eesti on mõlemas ja mind solvab kui ta seda ei tea.

Jah, kes me siis oleme? Mida me siit tahame?

Näide 2. 
Üsna alguses kui ma Ceccarellissse kolisin, juhtusin kokku ühe üpris toreda itaalia-saksa segaverd poisiga.
Siis läks jutt aga minu päritolu arvamise peale. Esimene pakkumine-inglane. Teine- ameeriklane. Rohkem riike poiss pakkuda ei suutnud, sest mu aktsent polnud euroopalik. Ütlesin siis talle, et Eestist...
Mind jõllitati suurte silmadega ning küsiti: "Aga Estonia on ju mingi Ameerika osariik?"
Wow. Päris äge. Tekitame uue osariigi! Loomulikult pole mul midagi selle vastu, et mu inglise keele aktsent pole nagu purueestlase moodi, aga siiski.. o.O

Positiivsema poole pealt ka. Taaskord oli meil üks ühine õhtusöök, kuhu Thorina võttis kaasa ühe uue saksa kuti. Lasime tal siis arvata, et mis riigist keegi on. Kõik teised arvas ära, mind pakkus aga Ameerikasse. Thorina palus siis mul oma keeles rääkida, poiss taipas ära, et äkki olen soomlane. Vähemalt seegi :)

Nemad on kergelt öeldes Eestist vaimustuses :) 

Loomulikult on ka inimesi, kes on Eestis käinud või kellel on Eestiga seoses mõni hea kogemus (tuttav, sõber või lausa elukaaslane) Kõige ägedam lugu puudutas aga üht itaalia kutti, keda ma kohtasin lumeräätsa-peol. Tema olla mõni aasta tagasi Narva (!) hääletanud, samamoodi ka Haapsalus ja Viljandis pöidlaküüdiga käinud. Isegi mõni eestlane, sealhulgas mina, pole nii teinud.. Respekt!

Näide 3.
Rääkisin mõni päev tagasi Kingale (jah, kell oli tegelikult vist mingi 2 öösel), et 24.veebruaril on meie iseseisvuspäev ja Eesti Vabariik saab 95-aastaseks. "Päriselt? Nii vähe? Mis te enne seda tegite siis?"
Ainus vastus:

Loomulikult meeldib minu siinsetele nunnudele (eriti Moritzile ja Patrickule) minu või minu päritolu üle nalja visata. Mõned killud:

*Miks Eestis mehed ja naised ei abiellu? Sest nad ei ela talve üle.
*Eestis on jääkarud ja nendega saab kooli ratsutada
*Merili näeb oma köögiaknast Venemaad. Ükskõik, kas ta on Tartus või Tallinnas. (ja teisigi nalju, kui lähedal Eesti ikkagi Venemaale on)
* (Rääkisin loo, kuidas mul oli väikesena kaks kujuteldavat sõpra ja ma ei käinud lasteaias) Nii tore, et sa siis lõpuks Itaalias Madisega tuttavaks said, nüüd sa ei pea enam sõpru juurde mõtlema! (Järgnes pikk arutelu, kuidas mina olin üksinda põhjas ja Madis üksinda lõunas)
*Kõiki töid Eestis teeb Madis; ta on president, rongijuht, taksojuht, õpetaja. Merili lihtsalt põgenes sooja kohta ja on mittekeegi

*(Arutasime Mendelejevi tabelit ja keemiliste elementide suurust) Eesti on nii väike, et ta ei mahu isegi Mendelejevi tabelisse ära.

Samas oldi kord ka minu poolt. Amaia on nimelt bask ning talle pandi eriti tugevalt ära. "Merilil on vähemalt oma riik, sul ei ole sedagi."

Väike meenutus eelmisest aastast..

Jah. Mul on oma riik. Ja ma olen nii paganama uhke selle väikese riigi üle, mis tähistab täna 1 294 236 inimesega oma riigi 95. sünnipäeva. 2 eestlast näitavad täna kartulisalati, kilude, küüslauguleibade, Viru õlle ja  viinaga poolakale, ungarlasele, rumeenlasel,  itaallastele, sakslastele ja hispaanlastele, milline üks õige Eesti pidu välja näeb. :)

Kaunist päeva!

venerdì 22 febbraio 2013

2 weeks..

Exactly 2 weeks and I'm going home. And as you know me and my personality.. It's so hard to leave. Even though I've been homesick sometimes, I'm now getting to the point when I realise that maybe my future it's not at home, it's here... But as I cannot change anything now, I just have to wait for the summer.. and just enjoy my time here, as I could.

The climate changes in Italy as my mood. On Monday we had nearly 13 degrees and sunshine, today it was snowing.. And can you imagine that I was wearing a dress and sandals on Monday.. Yes, indeed I did. And had wonderful icecream at Prato della Valle.  Our dinner tradition continued when Magnus made some shells and as we were so up to partying, we went again to karaoke bar. Enric and Patrick rocked the world..

Our dinner... mmmm

Welcome to the jungle!!!!

And also, me and Teresa were wonderful with Felicita... :)

Tuesday was the last day of Teresa's and we wanted to throw her to the fountain but she was so clever enough that she "slept it through" First time during our stay here we had dinner at mensa (and we could have taken as much beer as we wanted!!!) and had Spritz in Zanellato bar. With ESN card it costs only 1,80€ and you can take it with melon Aperol or normal Aperol. Njomm..

on Wednesday I realised that nothing is eternal. I went to the station 3 times to say goodbye- first time to Moritz, Amaia and Belen who went to Lecce (I couldn't join them because of Val di Fiemme), second time when Teresa left to München.. and third time, Marek left team Estonia :( :( But I was good and managed to hold back my tears. Wippii!!

Evening got interesting again because Enric invited us to see AC Milan-Barcelona football match with paella and risotto.. and as the match ended with Barcelona's 0-2 lost, Enric's emotions got more and more... serious.. which of course led us to Tequila bottle and to a party at Amsterdam Cafe, held by Spanish people.

After 0-1

After 0-2

At the party

Today was snowing (!) but me and Kinga managed to go to Segreteria Studenti to hand in our Libretto (Transcript of Records). Although we've been living here for 4 months, we got lost!!! But at least we now know how to ask the road so we got them handed and now we have to go on Monday morning to Centro Linguistico to get our Language course certificate (Fingers crossed!!) and Palazzo Bo to end my Erasmus. Non mi piace.

Who are you? Pick one and stand in line.. We were lucky, we had to wait only 20 min.. 

If at some point I may not write here anymore, then I'm busy with packing, moving and making Estonian dinner on Estonian Independence day. It's not easy to pack again your whole life into 2 suitcases, especially when I have to move at first to Asia's, then go to Val di Fiemme for 5 days and then after 2nd March for some days to Moritz.. But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. :)

Memory of my wall, now it's totally empty

lunedì 18 febbraio 2013

And I don't want the world to see me...

I'm finally done with my exams! But I don't know whether I was fortunate or not. Because this italian exam.. UFFA! Sucked.

I've never liked the tests where you have the reading and listening part. Ok, I know that you have to test it but.. as Kinga said, I'm too smart that I start thinking. Which means when there is T/F/NI (True/False/No information) I'm starting to hesitate what did I hear and what do I know. For example, I simboli di Napoli sono: la pizza, le gente, il mare, il Vesuvio. T/F ?
(She said il caffé as well) What is right then? It's not complete without coffee but indeed, she mentioned the previous things. ARRRGGGHHHH

The results will be revealed on 25th. The day when I go to Val di Fiemme. But at least I try to get the certificate and I hope that I got 60 points from 100..

On friday, my darling Moritz had a birthday so whole day it was quite of running around with Amaia to get the present done. One part of the present is here but the other part (the porn-calendar, as we call it).. Well.. It's only for our eyes :'D

The next day I promised to make pancakes in the morning. Which is pretty funny, at home I've never made pancakes but here.. well, they think that I'm good :) But imagine, sunshine, 13 degrees, pancakes, sitting on the balcony. After a while, we were hungry, we made chicken salad and tuna salad.. the healthiest lunch ever!!! My Saturday was just perfect..

In the evening we watched EESTI LAUL with Madis from OTSE.ERR.EE and of course laughed a lot. And even though I'm going home in 2, 5 weeks (IT HURTS SO MUCH!) this song was so Estonian that I realised why do I love my country so much....

And then again to the party because Teresa is leaving on 20th to München... :/

To conclude, my weekend was just awesome again. Sometimes you just need beloved people surrounding you and you even don't have to do anything.. just be. That's what we did today with Amaia, Thorina and Moritz at his place. All you need is love.

And I don't want to go home. Not yet.

giovedì 14 febbraio 2013

Valentine's day

As many of you might know, I hate Valentine's day. Or maybe I don't hate but I just think that's kind of like a commercial "holiday" where the children are spending their last money on pointless gifts and the shops are so happy because of it. Or people just need this day to say how much they love the others. Or how much do they care.

I've now been abroad for almost half a year. Okay, I went home for 10 days, but now I've noticed couple of things. That sometimes I don't miss home that much as I should. That home doesn't miss me as much that it should. Or people don't miss me. Or I don't miss them.

Because I know, that wherever I am, I still love them. And they love me. Even though, sometimes I'm really too overexpressive that nobody sends me postcards from home.. but then I'm talking to these people in Facebook or in Skype. And I know that they stay. Somehow..

That's what friendship is all about...

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend. 

- Albert Camus

Thank you for letting me into your hearts.

domenica 10 febbraio 2013


It's carnival time!!! As all the educated people know, Venice is the city of carnival. Every year, from the end of January 'til the mid of February people wear costumes and masks, you can eat typical food and of course, have a wonderful party.. And as we live so close, we went to take a look..

 Of course, there were a lot of people in the street... Nagu hullud päevad juba!!

 And now I found out that these different masks actually have different names as well:
Bauta (covers the whole face), Columbina (half-mask, covered with colours, cristals), Medico della Peste (the one with a beak), Moretta (strapless oval mask), Larva (ghost mask)

But in the evening, there was more awesome party going on... ERASMUS CARTOON CARNiVAL!!!
Which meant that eveyone of us had to have a costume...

And once again, the day is saved, thanks to the POWERPUFFGIRLS!!!!

And the pre-party before was also pretty funny.. because you can have so much fun with the costumes..


And then we went on a party, where you had 3 drinks for free.. Somehow we figured out that we could cheat so we got a little bit more... And when they were out of beer, they gave us vodka! :D So the party was awesome and the carneval stays on.. But here is a little video about Italian Rolf Roosalu.

Let's call him MT LIVE:

Life is like a carnival! And I love it!

mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013


My second exam is done!! And of course there is a story..

Letteratura latina- latin literature. Same subject I should have at home as well but the main difference is that there are studying this 10 students, here 100. There we focuse on one writer- Virgilius; here you have to know besides him as well Ovidius, Plautus, Ennius, Livius etc .. so A LOT. I still chose 6ECTS system, so I had to do less but I had to translate still "Aeneis" and "Asinaria" from latin to english (or at some point it look like latin-italian-estonian-english) so at last night I really felt like I'm studying more english (old-english vocabulary is really a dark land for me) than anything else. But at least I could have done it in english..

So, exam day, 5th of February. 9.30am. Palazzo Liviano. Huge class which reminded my school's big aula and a lot of students. Of course again my name wasn't on the list, although I had registered myself in Uniweb, whatever.. I got number 31. But on the same time, in the same room, there were 3 more exams because letteratura latina divides into different parts.. So, there were 4 professors, 100 students.. and you can calculate when one professor has 3 person per hour then my turn should come eee.. in 10 hours? And so I figured it out, after sitting there for a couple of hours, I have to come back tomorrow. Didn't mind even that much because I could study more, then. :)

So I returned today. Different room and actually even different teacher who asked me to speak slowly.
First text I had to read and translate came from "Aeneis" which is Roman national epic and I have to say, pretty interesting:

Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram;
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso,
quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casus
insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores
impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?

The main difference about Estonian and Italian education is that we don't have latin language obligatory in the high school or.. we don't have it at all! That's why I could have seen the professors suprised when I told them that I've learnt latin for one year and not even by heart. For example, Viviana, my kitchenmate has studied it for at least 5 years and she's only a freshman. Then I had to talk about Plautus and Julius Caesar which went quite normally.
And after that I had to change the teacher who asked me to translate Plautus "Asinaria" now..
It is also quite funny as it's comedy and you can see that 2000 years ago the problems were the same as now:

ARGYRIPPUS,the son of Demænetus, is violently in love with Philenium, a young woman, who is living with her mother, Cleæreta, a procuress. The latter has made an agreement with a Captain, of the name of Diabolus, to transfer Philenium to him for twenty minæ, on condition, however, that if Argyrippus shall first pay that sum, he shall have her. Argyrippus, having exhausted all his own resources, applies to his father, Demænetus, an over-indulgent and immoral old man, and requests him to furnish him with twenty minæ. Demænetus is married to Artemona, a rich woman, and is totally dependant on the will of herself and her favourite slave, the chamberlain Saurea. Being destitute of money, Demænetus orders his servant, Libanus, by some means or other to cheat his mistress or the chamberlain out of that sum. Just then an ass-dealer arrives, to pay to Saurea twenty minæ, the price of some asses which he has previously purchased. Libanus then arranges with his fellow-servant, Leonida, that the latter shall personate Saurea, and so receive the money from the ass-dealer. This is done, and the money is paid to Leonida, in the presence of Demænetus, who assures the dealer that Leonida really is the person to whom the money is payable. This sum is then given to Argyrippus, but with the disgraceful stipulation that for one day his father shall enjoy the company of Philenium. This he submits to, and the three sit down to a banquet. The Captain discovers this, and sends his Parasite to inform Artemona of her husband's conduct. She accordingly accompanies the Parasite, and discovers her husband in the company of his son and the young woman; after soundly rating him, she leads him off; while Argyrippus remains in possession of Philenium.

So... I got 25/30!!! :) My main goal was to pass it and I did it! So now there's only one exam-italian- next Thursday and then I can enjoy my last month of Erasmus ...

This time I have to thank Ott! Your music helped me and Kinga to concentrate <3